Posts Tagged ‘bristol palin


No VP Debate: Sarah Palin Exudes Soccer Mom Values

Watching the latest debate was like déjà vu all over again.  Once again, Sarah Palin was lighter than a feather, all fluff, no substance and not an original thought in her pretty little head.  Not to worry though, Sarah’s got values say her fans.  Sort of like the latest NFL thug who after getting arrested has the fans saying you can’t suspend him, he’s got skills!

And, Joe doesn’t get off the hook either for this snore fest.  As I stated before, Joe has lost a bit on his fastball, witness how he tried to “characterized” John McCain.  Thought for a moment he was having a stroke but Joe Biden soon recovered to “bore again”.

So what’s the final scorecard on Sarah?

Round 3:  The VP  Debate

Here are my running comments as this debate bores on:

Some sample Sarah comments: “They don’t like America!” she said of foreign oil producers.  Well, they like our money.  About global warming, “Climate change is occurring but there are cyclical changes.” (paraphrase)  She doesn’t want to argue about it , but we got to “clean up the problem”. Huh?

Sarah’s answers are a long, rambling, run-on sentences, I mean does this woman ever take a breathe? Please, get some oxygen to your brain, Sarah! Take a  breath will you?

Same sex couples?  She’ll be tolerant and, get this, she digs diversity! She doesn’t support anything but one man and one woman. But then again Joe and Obama weaseled out on the gay issue.

As to Iraq, remember that Bush money pit? “We got to win in Iraq” and then it’s off to Afghanistan, she said. Who’s Talibbany by the way?  Iran, guess what, no nukes says Sarah. Why?  They hate America! Okay but where’s the beef?  And don’t bother looking Joe’s way.  He and Obama look like they are content to run the clock out thinking they have a lead. Hey, there are 30 plus day left in the election!

So far, no major faux pas from Sarah but I think I fell asleep at one point.  Boring!  But nuclear weaponry sounds so annoying coming from her.  Still, better that Bush’s pronunciation of nu-cu-ler.

I think the audience either passed out or left the debate out of indifference it was so quiet. I’m not into the moderator, Gwen either.  I understand she is a black conservative but hey she’s boring.  Think there’s a common thread here?  Where’s Tina Fey when you need her or for that matter Hillary?

Oh no, Sarah’s pushing that Washington outsider crap.  Please you’re a politician, that’s the very definition of an insider. Opps, did she just make a comment about changing the VP role?  Who does she think she is? Dick Cheney?

Oh no, Joe just had another senior moment, he seems to skip every so often like an old warped record! Ah, he just restarted and is attacking McCain’s maverick credentials! Good for him, I thought we would have to ge the paddles out to resuscitate him.  Then at one point Joe gets verklemptwhen talking about raising his family.  Way to show your softer side Joe!

Final comments:

Sarah is going to fight for the middle class! We are blessed and she is proud to be an American. Yikes, what a cliche fest!

As for Joe…zzzzzzzz

That’s it?  No knock out but are Sarah’s scoccer Mom values enough as we near a financial meltdown?

Round 2: Katie Couric Interview

I sat down sat again with my wife to watch the Sarah Palin interview with Katie Couric. As Sarah mumbled a bizarre answer, my wife turned to me and said “What the hell? What a dope!”

I had to agree, it was another embarrassing train wreck of an interview. The woman can’t put two thoughts together, never mind express them in a coherent fashion. As Sarah was talking or should I say stumbling, I was saying to myself, okay this is how you should respond. Instead she gave a long rambling, incoherent commentary about Alaska, national security and her Russian neighbor. Then I had my epiphany: Sarah’s like Dan Quayle, only not as pretty. Really, it was Dan Quayle and losing one’s mind speech all over again. Doesn’t matter though, neo-cons like Silly little Freak still love Sarah because she has “values”. I just guess that intelligence is not one of those shared values. No wonder why this country is sinking so fast!

I am not saying Sarah is stupid like George Bush stupid, really somebody please do a brain scan on him, but she was clearly coached and if I was Vladimir Putin I would definitely want to invite her to my next poker party. If Bush got all weepy looking into Putin’s eyes you can only imagine what Palin’s response will be to the Russian dictator.

So what of Sarah Palin and her religious beliefs? Well, five to six years ago she was a member of a Pentecostal church, the Assembly of God to be exact. Now these rocket scientists believe in a literal bible, talking in tongues, faith healing and, how can we forget, the ever popular end-of-times. We have had so many end of times I don’t were to begin. This type of inspired lunacy leads to such clear thinking as “it’s God’s will that is being done in Iraq.” Funny, I thought that was the work of a mediocre son looking to clear his daddy’s historical record but, hey, what the hell do I know? I mean we went in there to separate those heathens from the WMD’s right? Eh, okay the weapons weren’t there but we did bring freedom to the Iraqis, right? You know freedom from boredom as the local militia executes the men in your family but hey that’s God’s plan and you can’t argue about the big picture, right?

The good news is that God’s plans are not just relegated to simple matters of war. No way! Did you know that a new pipe line is a task from God? Me, I was thinking Exxon-Mobil but I guess I think way too small. Really, Palin said this. God’s will is to be done developing our natural resources, never mind all we are doing is feeding a nasty oil habit and that the sooner we can move to something alternative the sooner we can tell the idiots in the Middle East what they can do with their oil.  Ask Sarah about Creationism and she’ll reply sure Creationism should be taught in school!  We don’t have a lick of proof that it can’t stand up to rigorous scientific review but hell proof didn’t stop us from invading Iraq.

Round 1: Charlie Gibson Interview

Being independently minded, I sat with my wife and we watched the first interview on ABC first hand before anybody had an opportunity to tell us how to think about the interview. I’m sorry but as I sat there I found it be both embarrassing and uncomfortable to watch. I replayed it several times on the DVR watching their facial expressions and their body language and it reeked of pure train wreck! Charlie looked like a pained, almost constipated school teacher and Sarah Palin resembled the proverbial moose caught in the headlights.

I’m sorry but the look on her face was priceless. It’s amazing how the Ben Stein fundamentalist creationist crowd regurgitates everything that is thrown at it by the cynical Republican conservatives, by the way the very same conservative wing that was all but ready to throw McCain under the bus. Then McCain goes out and drafts the fundamentalist Sarah Palin as his Vice Presidential trophy candidate and she say goes around saying “god tasked us to do this and god speaks to us” and the next thing you know McCain is called “McBrilliant” by the vicodin-laden gas bag named Rush Limbaugh.

The Sarah Palin Files:

More: Palin and the Charlie Gibson Interview: She’s No Hillary!

More on Hillary: No Political Catfight with Palin

More on Palin “Governor Palin You’re No Hillary Clinton!”

More on Palin with this story,“Apparently-Bristol-Palin-is-no-Chelsea-Clinton-Either”

Sorry about spamming my own blog but the entire first Flores Girl: The Children God Forgot novel is available as a free download at WWW.FREE-SCI-FI.COM. Also Flores Girl:The Children God Forgot is now available as a free ebook novel on the iPhone!


Sarah Palin: Like Dan Quayle, only not as Pretty

I took a hiatus from writing this post to work on my novel but then I got this response from Silly little Freak today remarking about my blog on “Imagine Sarah Palin and Putin Playing Poker Together”. She/he? wrote:

She knew the definition of the word doctrine. She also knew that the bush doctrine isn’t anything official. From where I was sitting, she made Gibson look like an idiot for using the phrase. Now you look like an idiot for posting a story about it. It’s a term that is made up by journalists to try and make someone’s stance look like something official. It can be a “world view”, in most cases it is. You should probably delete this article if you are ever interested in pursuing any sort of journalistic integrity.

I am not a journalist nor do I have any pretensions regarding journalistic integrity, whatever that may be nowadays but I do believe fair is fair, so here is your inane and somewhat tired comment. However, the blog stays. That said, earlier today I sat down sat again with my wife to watch the latest Sarah Palin interview with Katie Couric. As Sarah mumbled a bizarre answer, my wife turned to me and said “What the hell? What a dope!”

I had to agree, it was another embarrassing train wreck of an interview. The woman can’t put two thoughts together, never mind express them in a coherent fashion. As Sarah was talking or should I say stumbling, I was saying to myself, okay this is how you should respond. Instead she gave a long rambling, incoherent commentary about Alaska, national security and her Russian neighbor. Then I had my epiphany: Sarah’s like Dan Quayle, only not as pretty. Really, it was Dan Quayle and losing one’s mind speech all over again. Doesn’t matter though, neo-cons like Silly little Freak still love Sarah because she has “values”. I just guess that intelligence is not one of those shared values. No wonder why this country is sinking so fast!

Meanwhile Lady Macbeth, aka Hillary, stays away from the fray!

Erik John Bertel

The Sarah Palin Files:

More: Palin and the Charlie Gibson Interview: She’s No Hillary!

More on Hillary: No Political Catfight with Palin

More on Palin “Governor Palin You’re No Hillary Clinton!”

More on Palin with this story,“Apparently-Bristol-Palin-is-no-Chelsea-Clinton-Either”


Imagine Sarah Palin and Putin Playing Poker Together

One of the great enjoyments of writing a blog is that you get to interact with people, people you wouldn’t otherwise talk to, never mind notice. Anyway I received another bon mot regarding my comments on the Sarah Palin interview and I found this one very illuminating:

If you knew that “Bush Doctrine” implies more than one policy then Sarah Palin’s reaction to the question (Which is to ask for more clarification) was to be expected and to the point —apparently you don’t so quit sounding so smart D–b-ss!”

Nice try, I know this is the latest conservative spin on Palin’s interview but I’m sorry the look on her face was priceless. It’s amazing how the Ben Stein fundamentalist creationist crowd regurgitates everything that is thrown at it by the cynical Republican conservatives, by the way the very same conservative wing that was all but ready to throw McCain under the bus. Then McCain goes out and drafts the fundamentalist Sarah Palin as his Vice Presidential trophy candidate and she say goes around saying “god tasked us to do this and god speaks to us” and the next thing you know McCain is called “McBrilliant” by the vicodin-laden gas bag named Rush Limbaugh.

Anyway, being independently minded, I sat with my wife and we watched the interview on ABC first hand before anybody had an opportunity to tell us how to think about the interview. I’m sorry but as I sat there I found it be both embarrassing and uncomfortable to watch. I replayed it several times on the DVR watching their facial expressions and their body language and it reeked of pure train wreck! Charlie looked like a pained, almost constipated school teacher and Sarah resembled the proverbial moose caught in the headlights.

After the Palin interview reviews were in the conservatives immediately starting sounding like Bill Clinton when Bill went through his bizarre, convoluted explanation of what the word “sex” meant. Frankly, if Sarah knew of an alternative meaning to the “Bush Doctrine” (she didn’t boys and girls), she should have said so forcefully to Charlie instead of looking like a goofy high school kid trying to bluff her way through an essay test. And why didn’t she do that? Because she got caught cramming for her exam, it was so obvious. I am not saying she is stupid like George Bush stupid, really somebody please do a brain scan on him, but she was clearly coached and if I was Vladimir Putin I would definitely want to invite her to my next poker party. If Bush got all weepy looking into Putin’s eyes you can only imagine what Palin’s response will be.

So having seen the interview for myself and being quite capable of thinking for myself, I tell my conservative-fundamentalist friends to go ahead and spin, spin, spin, baby! I saw this lame rebuttal on the internet a day ago before my new friend forwarded it to me. Go ahead and keep regurgitating your tired neo-con world view among yourselves but this crap is not going to work with this independent-minded pundit. You would think after 8 years of Bush people would begin to think for themselves but guess again folks.

Oh, and by the way I’m still leaning toward McCain because I know he is not the right wing ideologue you conservative fundamentalist bozos are so enamored with. Actually I liked the old McCain in 2000 who had no allegiance to the Republican party bosses. Of course, he got swift boated in the Carolina primaries by the present clown in the White House and Bush’s political operatives and sadly, this country has been on downward spiral ever since. Back then, McCain was such a formidable and creditable force for change that even some Democrats were hoping he would switch parties after his defeat in the Republican primaries. This guy in 2008 I barley recognize, especially with all of the lobbyists running his campaign but I have the slim hope if he does get in he is just ornery enough to bite the asses of liberals and conservatives alike. Obama I just don’t have a feel for and frankly I am hesitant to support him but Sarah’s selection as VP now causes me to pause and re-evaluate my thinking.

Why am I concerned? Because McCain is old and Sarah is an all too eager over-achiever who says she is ready but is not. I’m sorry we just had eight years of an intellectually challenged president that said he didn’t read the papers and who went entirely with his gut reaction and just look at the body of work: a five year old war in Iraq with no end in sight and the Muslim fundamentalists threatening to take over both Afghanistan and Pakistan while Bin Laden is still resumed to be alive and well in a cave somewhere. Am I asking too much to have a president that is at least as smart as the bad guys?

So just watch the interview again, Sarah’s facial response to the questioning is very enlightening. She’s as light as a feather, lighter than Obama. That’s great for a Buddhist but that’s lousy for a political leader in these troubled times.

The Sarah Palin Files:

More: Palin and the Charlie Gibson Interview: She’s No Hillary!

More on Hillary: No Political Catfight with Palin

More on Palin “Governor Palin You’re No Hillary Clinton!”

More on Palin with this story,“Apparently-Bristol-Palin-is-no-Chelsea-Clinton-Either”


Sarah Palin: I’m Ready, Then Again Maybe Not

One thing about Sarah she has certainly been a polarizer: you may love her or hate her but you just can’t ignore her.  I had over 700 hits on review of the Gibson-Plain interview the other day and apparently everybody wants to know more about Sarah.  Frankly, I don’t love her or hate her, to me she’s just another mediocrity in the grand political scheme of life.  Furthermore, and despite what her detractors say, she’s is neither a hypocrite or a phony but frankly that’s not exactly a ringing endorsement for somebody with presidential aspirations either.

What has been amusing is to watch the Limbaugh conservatives and the fundamentalist fringe of the Republican party fawn over her and rushing to her defense anytime somebody in the liberal media says anything aobut her.  As a politician all you have to do is utter the word “God” and you got this gang melting in the palm of your hand. They are like groupies around a pop star. I really do believe these people are more accepting of, and definitely more comfortable with, a murderous, lecherous but self-professed Christian than they are with a peaceful, law abiding atheist.  They love Sarah for saying Iraq is a task that is from God and if she spoke in tongues in the past so much the better for this crowd.  The fact that we are also fighting religious extremists who also believe they are on a mission from God or Allah seems to escape this simplistic fundamentalist gang but you know it’s never too late to put together an old-fashioned crusade. Oh, yeah, we kind of did that in Iraq, didn’t we?

During the interview Sarah told Charlie “I’m ready.” However, if you are going to look like the proverbial moose in the headlights because of a tough (?) Charlie Gibson question what the hell are you going to do when planes smash into the twin towers?  Why, you’ll look dumbfounded like George Bush did in front of those pre-school kids, of course.  Alright, that’s a bad example but you get my drift. I have to say that at least Sarah Palin is more articulate than George Bush but that’s not saying much when you realize his most common utterance is “um, duh” (I started counted these anytime the president speaks, it helps me to stay awake).  Nor has Sarah shown that she has done much yet. Okay, Obama hasn’t done much either other than a few good speeches but at least he has two years of campaigning and all of that public scrutiny under his belt.

By the way Hillary Clinton continues to actively campaign for Obama in some key battleground states. Not surprisingly, she has drawn a line against making personal attacks on Palin and the Clinton insiders insist she doesn’t want a political cat fight with Sarah. Sarah, of course, when she is not complaining about Hillary’s whining, is nothing but complimentary about Hillary, all the better to steal Hillary’s voters.  So Hillary will attack the Republicans on policy, but nothing personal about Palin. Hillary did defend Obama who has been under attack his “lipstick on a pig” utterance to describe McCain’s tired Bush policies. In case you were retiring in a cave with Bin Laden this past week, the Republicans have accused him of personally insulting Palin.

“Barack has made this clear,” Hillary said. “It was in no way meant as an affront.”  Hmmm, I don’t know, she is doing just enough campaigning to avoid party criticism but not enough to make much of a difference.  Let’s face it, Hillary’s political clock continues to tick and all she can do is hope for a McCain win in November.

The Sarah Palin Files:

Imagine Sarah Palin and Putin Playing Poker Together

More: Palin and the Charlie Gibson Interview:  She’s No Hillary!

More on Hillary: No Political Catifght with Palin

More on Palin “Governor Palin You’re No Hillary Clinton!”

More on Palin with this story,“Apparently-Bristol-Palin-is-no-Chelsea-Clinton-Either”


Palin and the Charlie Gibson Interview: She’s No Hillary!

This was a great exchange between Palin and Gibson that was painful to watch but like a car wreck you just had to keep looking back and sneaking a peek:

GIBSON: Do you agree with the Bush doctrine?

PALIN: In what respect, Charlie? (Palin had a dopey smirk on her face at this point that all but said “that dumb ass had a doctrine?”)

GIBSON: The Bush — well, what do you — what do you interpret it to be? (He was seriously pursing his lips at this juncture.)

PALIN: His world view? (Really, she no clue at this point, she should have studied more. She resembled a moose caught in the car headlights!)

GIBSON: No, the Bush doctrine, enunciated September 2002, before the Iraq war.

PALIN: I believe that what President Bush has attempted to do is rid this world of Islamic extremism, terrorists who are hell bent on destroying our nation. There have been blunders along the way, though. There have been mistakes made. And with new leadership, and that’s the beauty of American elections, of course, and democracy, is with new leadership comes opportunity to do things better. (“Damn, where are my Cliff notes?” she must have been thinking. “I thought this was going to be a fun interview!”)

GIBSON: The Bush doctrine, as I understand it, is that we have the right of anticipatory self-defense, that we have the right to a preemptive strike against any other country that we think is going to attack us. Do you agree with that? {Gibson looked totally exasperated at this point.)

PALIN: Charlie, if there is legitimate and enough intelligence that tells us that a strike is imminent against American people, we have every right to defend our country. In fact, the president has the obligation, the duty to defend. (Oh yeah, that doctrine!)

The body language between the two showed how uncomfortable the duo were during the entire interview. Palin looked like a high school kid who was trying to bluff her way through a tough essay question while Charlie Gibson resembled a pained, constipated teacher waiting for his retirement to begin in Florida. Hillary would have done so much better and yet McCain wants us to believe that Palin is the real deal as his running mate? Frankly, the high school analogy is apropos since Palin resembles that annoying over achieving kid we all knew in school that compensated for their mediocrity with their unbridled enthusiasm. Yuk!

So Palin is a lightweight, no big surprise but unfortunately for America, being a lightweight is not a serious impediment on the road to becoming President as Bush has clearly shown. Her fundamentalist religious supporters will still support her despite her apparent inadequacies because, well…, she is on a task from God. Also, Palin is not the sole vice presidential candidate coming up short in this race because based on Biden’s comments from the other day, he also readily admits to not being a Hillary Clinton.

And by the way, where the hell is Hillary?

Erik John Bertel

The Sarah Palin Files:

Imagine Sarah Palin and Putin Playing Poker Together

More on Hillary: No Political Catifght with Palin

More on Palin “Governor Palin You’re No Hillary Clinton!”

More on Palin with this story,“Apparently-Bristol-Palin-is-no-Chelsea-Clinton-Either”

Great News! Flores Girl:The Children God Forgot is now available as a free ebook novel on the iPhone


Hillary: No Political Catfight with Palin

It’s official! While on the stump for Obama in Florida, Hillary’s people made it clear there would be no political catfight with Palin. Hillary instead has opted to take the high road and talk about party issues choosing instead to with the old tired argument that McCain is four more years of Bush. He is not. But the scrutiny of Palin does deserve some attention and it has galvanized the nutty religious right folks who have personal talks with God and to talk in tongues. I’m sorry I can’t sugarcoat ignorance but the bigger story is Hillary. Lady Macbeth is biding her time and as her political clock winds down and she is reduced to hoping for a McCain victory. Then she can return to her rightful place as her party’s presidential nominee in 2012 as she reminds her minions “I told you so!” Expect nothing but a lukewarm endorsement for Obama in the weeks ahead by Hillary.

Update: Hillary has done some campaigning for Obama but insists she will not take Palin on! wouldn’t be prudent according to her staff.

The Sarah Palin Files:

Imagine Sarah Palin and Putin Playing Poker Together

More: Palin and the Charlie Gibson Interview: She’s No Hillary!

More on Palin “Governor Palin You’re No Hillary Clinton!”

More on Palin with this story,“Apparently-Bristol-Palin-is-no-Chelsea-Clinton-Either”


Sarah Palin the Secessionist Creationist and Hillary

Sarah Palin has made an otherwise dull and dry election a bit more fun for myself and a lot of other people. That’s not necessarily good for the country but is has been amusing and just maybe, I said maybe, more people are turning into the election because of her. Unfortunately what they are going to find is not too savory.

Let’s face it, Sarah Palin has a bit of the redneck trailer park streak within her and that has even inspired the fake photo of her holding a rifle while attired in only a flag inspired bikini. Let’s face it, the very real images of her pregnant daughter holding her momma’s baby is just a little too trailer park for me. If Obama’s kids were like that you could only imagine the verbal backlash from the likes of political thugs such as Rush Limbaugh.

The problem is that McCain’s choice of her as his running mate has put me into a bit of a quandary. I was a supporter of the maverick McCain in 2000 and his move to the right, particularly towards the religious creeps, while leaving me queasy could be shrugged off with the understanding he was just being pragmatic about getting his party’s nomination. Voting for Obama was out of the question because of the whole cult of personality that has gathered about him and his fervent followers. The last time we had such a buzz about a candidate was JFK and frankly other than being killed so tragically young, I am at a loss to understand what the hell he did for this country. I mean for Pete’s sake he almost blundered his way into a nuclear war with the USSR.

In general, I prefer mediocrity in my politicians because mediocrity is less likely to inspire the followers to do such heinous things like purges and gulags. One bad charismatic leader can do much more damage to a people than a string of successive mediocrities. Plus, rightly or wrongly, if Obama should be elected he will be challenged immediately by the likes of Al Qaeda. They are far less likely to immediately challenge McCain, after all this is the guy who sings “Bomb Iran” to the old Beach Boys tune. That doesn’t mean they won’t continue to attack the US, they will just bide their time accordingly and concentrate on Afghanistan and Pakistan first.  And if they put Pakistan into play watch out for India and a real escalation in the old dooms-day clock.

So besides the redneck trailer park thing what is it that I dislike about Palin? Well, she’s another religious fundamentalist and a creationist tool to boot (see, I came full circle in my blog after going on a tangent). Haven’t we had enough years of ignorance in the White House? When Bush was asked about evolution he basically said “I dunno”. This type of uninspired stupidity eventually seeps into our domestic and foreign policy as well. Upon hearing of the 9/11 attacks the administration immediately said we have to counter by attacking Iraq. When reminded by their own people that we were attacked by Al Qaeda elements that were based in Afghanistan, the response was “okay, we attack Afghanistan first, then Iraq second”. I can’t tell you how long it took for the nitwits to realize that were both Sunnis and Shia in Iraq.

Now the good news is that McCain is not a religious ideologue and frankly he has no interest in pursuing their interests. And I do believe if he does get elected there is a good chance he will return to his old maverick ways of embracing the middle road and bipartisan support for his agenda. I don’t think Obama can do that because upon his election I feel a lot of the right will just dig their heels in opposition to anything he does. But what if McCain dies? Do I really want Sarah Palin the Secessionist Creationist as my President? Did you even know she was once a member of a Secessionist party?

What about Sarah Palin the Secessionist Creationist and how come the mainstream media is such a pack of wusses when it comes to discussing this issue? For those uninitiated to the conversation, in Alaska there is a third party called the Alaska Independence Party which has advocated and drafted both a call for a revote on statehood and the establishment of Alaska as an independent republic. Damn, all of these years and I thought the civil war had addressed this statehood issue for once and for all but hey I am not a redneck and  I guess, I think a little differently.  My guess is that some Alaskans want full control over the oil and gas in their state and hate abiding to those damn conservationists in the EPA.  Anyway, Sarah’s good old boy husband joined the party during the nineties and she attended their conference in 1994.  It’s unclear if she was ever a member of the party but in 2006 as Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin spoke to their conference and said “Good luck on a successful and inspiring convention,” she said. “Keep up the good work, and God bless you.”

Sarah’s people will argue that Alaska First movement is more about state rights, you know along the lines of the KKK.  As for me and to quote that great political intellect, “I dunno” and recommend you formulate your own opinions by visited their site at  Maybe I have a libertarian bent but I sure in hell don’t harbor secessionist attitudes as a solution to our problems in the United States. Frankly, when does the word traitor come into play in regards to a state that is in such close proximity to Russia? Is that only reserved for Obama when he talks to old radical political activists from the sixties? 

On the plus,  Sarah Palin, for the most part, is clearly not a phony.  What you see is what you get.  She’s got a grown son in the military heading to Iraq and you know that family is not into birth control of any type!  And speaking of phonies… where the hell is Hillary Clinton in all of this? Why hasn’t she gone on the attack of Palin and galvinized her supporters to back Obama?  Does Lady Macbeth waits in the wings hoping for a McCain win in November as her political clock continues to wind down?  Funny, Dick Morris, who knows more than a little about the Clintons, feels the same way about her plans for this fall election. (Update: Hillary is scheduled to campaign for Obama in Florida.  Let’s see what she has to say about Palin!)   

More on Palin “Governor Palin You’re No Hillary Clinton!”

More on Palin with this story,“Apparently-Bristol-Palin-is-no-Chelsea-Clinton-Either”

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