Archive for June, 2009


NRA Endorses a New Guns for Terrorists Drive

Just when you think the extremists in the NRA, the National Rifle Association, have hit an new low with their past support for armor piercing bullets and automatic assault weapons they begin a even more preposterous stance by supporting guns for terrorists. You heard right folks. In a letter to the Attorney General NRA executive director Chris Cox said the bill, offered last week by Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., “would allow arbitrary denial of Second Amendment rights based on mere ‘suspicions’ of a terrorist threat.”  Hell, they can listen in on all of our private conversations but we can’t take this simple step to protect ourselves?  What the @#$%? We can’t err on the side of caution because some wacko may have to wait a few extra weeks for his assault rifle or explosives?

The NRA has decided that our terrorists threat lists are not sufficient grounds for stopping somebody from buying weapons or explosives. Over the past over 90% of people on the terrorist list have been able to purchase these goodies, not because the list didn’t identify them as possible terrorists, but because there is no federal law preventing them from doing so. Seems the NRA is concerned the terrorist’s  rights maybe crushed by the heavy hand of government and that the list maybe faulty.  Hello, the NRA is right about the legitimacy of the terrorist list, it’s a joke,  but then fix the damn list before more people die will ya ?  Haven’t we spent enough money on Homeland Security to get this right?  Does anybody ever get fired for doing a crap job in the Federal government other than Brownie?

Moreover, that model of moral courage aka the nutless wonders in both the Democratic and Republican parties blocked a vote on a similar bill during the last session. Obama won’t go near this issue either.  Is it me or am I missing something here?  We can argue endlessly about torturing  terrorists but there’s no argument about selling guns or explosives to them?  And no I don’t want ban all guns just the ones going to the terrorists.  Sounds reasonabl but I guess common sense is strangely out of vogue nowadays.

Cheers Erik John Bertel

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Wow, Woman fined $1.9 million for illegal downloads more than Madoff’s Thieving Partner

Amazing and really aggravating but a federal jury fined a woman $1.9 million for downloading 24 songs or roughly 3 albums. You heard right. That works out to $80,000 a song and it just goes to show you how big business owns both Congress and the regulators. This woman, Jammie Thomas-Rasset’s,  stole about $24 worth of songs but the fine on one song alone is bigger than the fine levied on one of Bernie Madoff’s crooked partners.  Can you imagine being fined $80,000 for a Lady Gaga song? Oh, wait that was Sheryl Crow but you get the idea.  I wonder how much Sheryl will get of this windfall?  Oops, I forgot this money is slated to go to Rep. Tom Feeney’s (ex-R-Fla.) reelection campaign.

The Recording Industry Association of America is a disgrace and like the banking industry in this country has absolutely no shame. Worse, you would think the SEC would show this type of tenacity when Bernie Made-off was stealing $60 billion dollars.  How big was the fine that was levied on the idiots who ran AIG into the ground?  Oh yeah, I forgot they got rewarded with golden parachutes instead.

And you wonder why people in this country are buying handguns at such a record pace?  They all know somebody owns Congress and its not the people!  They also know that it’s alright to steal billions from the little guys but don’t you dare steal $80 from a big industry armed to the teeth with lawyers and with a coterie of Congressmen in their slimy pockets. Oh, yeah lawyers and congressmen are basically the same species of slime aren’t they?  Wait, that’s a bit disparaging to slime, I better watch out or PETA may come after me.

Face it people, the injustice is ripe in the air and these idiots are sowing the seeds of change!   So to those in power just remember it’s good to be the king, that is until the revolution comes to town!

(Note to those with double digit IQs:  I am not advocating violence of any kind but I am a strong believer in activist democracy and recommend that we all  start by voting, that is vote for anything other than a Democrat or Republican and from there work your way up!)


You Can’t Read This Blog Entry in Tehran or Iran thanks to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

It has been a while since I wrote but with the Obama administration on the sidelines and the religious clergy trying desperately to stay in control in Iran you can only wonder who will give in first? The clergy and their “brown-shirt” guard or a populist rebellion they seek to decimate?  The Ayatollah Ali Khamenei defended the elections and warned that violent protesters would be dealt with.  Who cares that the violence is mostly the handiwork of his own guard, after all you are combating the twin demons of Israel and the U.S.  What Iranians are learning is that once you hitch your wagons to the clergy, that very same clergy is never quick to give up power.

Is this the corrupt nature of religion at work?  Actually, religion is not the problem but the men who claim to speak for god.  Notice I said men because for the most part few women are afflicted with this particular delusion of grandeur with the sole exception of  Joan of Arc.  Is this because women are smarter or saner than men?  No, it’s just that the men won’t let women play religious leader because they say god didn’t want it so.  Obviously, god has a penis and testicles hence his preference for male spiritual leaders and I guess you can consider this the new glass ceiling for women.

But I digress and of course, none of this nonsense makes sense but logic and religion are kind of anathema to one another.  I just recently had a conversation with a good friend and we enjoy the occasional argument.  He buys  the Fox Network line hook line and sinker but at least he will make good on a occasional money supply argument that I can’t really argue against.  Anyway, he made the point that without religion that most people were essentially morally rudderless and secularist/humanist were the worst offenders.  Besides being baseless, I think you can point to Tehran as an example of where unbridled religious power will get you.  I’ll take the secularists and humanists anytime.  And please don’t point to the communists because communism is a religion onto itself.

Once again there is mess in the Middle East and Americans don’t know how to respond.  When is this country going to wise up, stop acting like a petroleum crack baby and get off the oil habit so we can dry up the oil revenue to these losers?  The formula is simple, no money, no nuclear weapons and then we can blithely ignore these crackpots.  Maybe then the Iranian people can regain control over their destinies rather than be dictated to by these pious nuts and return the clerics back to their mosques where they belong.  Yes, the mess in the Middle East is partly our fault and the sooner we take measures to correct our bad habits then all the better.  The answer is less oil, not more.  The drill baby, drill nonsense just perpetuates this ongoing death spiral.  Besides, did you get a significant discount on domestic oil at the pump lately?  No , right?  Domestic oil gets priced,  how?  Well to market conditions that  are dictated by index fund speculators and OPEC.  Think about it when you buy that new SUV with your $4500 rebate check!


Erik John Bertel

More nonsense…I nearly tossed my cookies when a PETA rep made the comment that Obama was not the Buddha incarnate because Obama swatted and killed a pesky fly during a recent interview.  Get a clue will ya?  He’s a politician from Chicago not an arahant, enuf said!  I don’t know who’s fawning is more sickening:  the current left wing Obama mania or the right wing necromania for anything Reagan?  As to the interview I will say Obama does spends a lot of time on TV much more than Reagan.  He’s a good speaker, I mean he is better to listen to than Bush going “um, duh,” every five seconds but Obama is not that good!

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June 2009

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